Grandpa's surgery went well. The doctors had to remove most of his stomach, but they felt they had good margins in regards to the cancer. He is headed home today. Thank you so much for your prayers - I know God heard them and answered. I don't know what the next step is in his treatment, but please continue to pray for him and my Grandmother.
Tomorrow Wesley has an appointment with the genetics department and also an evaluation with the speech department (it will be a long morning/day). I am curious to hear their thoughts on how delayed he is. Mom and I were just discussing today how Wesley is beginning to ennunciate more clearly. When you read a book to him, he watches your mouth and tries to immitate the sounds you make. (It is pretty cute) At our original evaluation at the International Adoption Center a week after arriving in the US, the therapist said that she thought he was around a 9 month-old. Personally, I thought he was further along than that, but he didn't talk much during the appointment.-------
Full day one with the walking boot is over. So far it isn't as bad as I thought it would be (it still is not what I would call pleasant). I took Wesley to the mall today so I could practice walking around without fear of embarassment (I didn't know anyone and everyone was much older than myself). I think I pretty much have walking down now, but I did figure out that it is much easier to walk with the boot on my right foot when I have a heel on my left foot. Otherwise my right leg is longer, and I seriously wobble. Now at least 27 more days to go...the good news for me though is that my foot doesn't hurt at all when I have the boot on, so I guess it will do what it is intended to do (at least I hope so)!!here's a wonderful picture of the boot. It is not easy to find pants with a wide enough leg to cover it either - luckily I wear a lot of wide-leg pants, but most aren't big enough to cover the boot!!