I wanted to update and let everyone know that we made it home safely and even a half hour early!! God performed a miracle in getting us home on time - it seemed like obstacles kept coming up in our path, but He was faithful in carrying us through. So many things ended up going our way, we just feel absolutely blessed!! We also had a lot of family and friends to greet us at the airport!!! It was so nice to see everyone, even if we could hardly keep our eyes open. Thank you - Mom, Dad, Mary (Damon's Mom), Missy, Zach, Donna, Dennis, Lu, Kelli, John, Garry, Jenn, and Rebecca.
Remember an earlier post where I was so concerned about Wesley and the airplane descent? Not a problem at all (another BIG answer to prayer)!!! He did so well on the planes , running through airports, grouchy, tired, stressed-out parents, feedings on the planes, everything. He slept only about 6 hours of the 24 hour travel (waking up to going to sleep), but he never once got cranky! I didn't even know a 19 month-old who had to be tired and could not be cranky!!
We went to sleep Saturday night/Sunday morning about 1:00am and ended up getting up at 8:00am. Wesley did take a nap at 2:30pm, that lasted until 6:00am this morning! I tried to wake him up a little around dinner time because I was worried he was getting his days and nights mixed up, but I think he's okay. Our power went out yesterday afternoon, so Damon and I ended up going to bed about 10:00pm. My parents had gone to the grocery for us in the afternoon (many thanks for that), so we were concerned about the food going bad. Our friend Mark came over with ice he found at a convenience store near his house for some of the stuff and the freezer items he took to his parent's house to put in on of their refrigerators. We even got a hot meal and salad! We hadn't eaten anything since lunch and were starved. (I'll put a little plug in here for Mark Peebles - he is a real estate agent in the Dayton, Ohio area and is an awesome guy!! He sold us our home and went above and beyond for us. He has become such a good friend to us that it's hard to believe we've only known him a few months. So if you are looking for a Christian realtor in the Dayton, area, give Mark a call - Irongate Realtors, cell #937-572-7111, office #937-428-3834,
Another concern of mine was how Wes would react to the dogs. He screamed when they got near him when we got home. The next day he warmed up a little, and today he loves them. He doesn't even flinch when Duke barks!! (If you've ever met Duke, you know how loud he can bark) The dogs pretty much avoid him though.
We're settling in quite well. He is still sleeping in our bed, but I figure we have time to work on that later. He sleeps through the nights, so for now I am not complaining!! I have more to say, but we're getting ready to run some errands, so I'll write tomorrow!
Here are a few pictures from the airplane ride and at home.
sleeping on the airplane
playing with the dog door
riding his new cart (thank you - John, Garry, Lu and Dan)
watching Daddy clean up the yard
still watching Daddy clean up the yard
(Can you tell that someone loves his Daddy??)