As you can tell by the title, we've had a busy week. Last Saturday was Wesley's third birthday party. Later that evening, Damon and I took Wes to the Wright State University basketball game. Sometime during all that, Wes got a cold, which is actually the first time he has ever gotten sick (other than the surgery for his esophagus). I don't know how people handle it when their children get sick often because I was worn out getting up every two hours to settle Wes back down from his coughing. Thankfully he doesn't get sick!! We like our sleep around this house :)
Wesley opening his DVD "Up"
still opening it the gift several minutes later...
a firetruck bank
an airport play set from Grandma (Pawpaw spent at least 20 minutes getting the whole thing apart)
giving Doda a hug
playing with his elephant with Grandma
Pawpaw finally got part of the airplane and airport apart
Mom and Dad finally got Wes a firetruck that makes noise (like Santa didn't get for Christmas)
blowing out the birthday candles and spitting on the cake I'm sure
having just a bit of cake (Wes preferred the chocolate cupcake the night before to the white cake at the party)
Who doesn't play baseball in the living room? We do at our house! At least until Wes can actually hit the ball and break things.
Wesley and Daddy at the game
Wes enjoyed cheering for both Wright State and their opponent (I already forgot who WSU played. I love sports, but basketball isn't my thing)
Damon tried to explain the game to Wes
hanging out with Mommy becauses it's not like Mom was watching the game (This is where I'd like to note that I am sure Wesley watched more of the game than I did)
here is where the game turned "scary"...Wesley saw the Raider (mascot) and was terrified that the Raider was coming to get him.
Wesley couldn't keep his eyes off the Raider as he walked through the stands.
Damon doing a little snow-blowin' trying to dig us out of the house
Wesley wasn't feeling well, but he didn't want to go to bed. So instead he decided to take a little rest on the stairs. And why not? I'm sure the stairs are much more comfortable than his bed.
here's a photo of my right knee pre-surgery (my meniscus was torn on the lower inside part - lower right side of picture). The swelling was getting worse, but it's hard to see in this picture.
here's a photo post-surgery Wednesday (the gauze and wrap makes my knee look a lot more swollen than it actually is)
and the bandages come off...the two bandages are from the incisions, while I think the redness is from where cartilage was cut out that was scraping bone - and that's why I was in so much pain!!
I haven't been out of the house since Wednesday afternoon, so I plan on going somewhere tomorrow. I am not sure where we'll go, but I to bed.