We have less than three weeks until the big surgery...and suprisingly, I am getting less nervous as it gets closer. I'm sure that will all change once we are days out from the surgery, but for now, I'll enjoy this. If I do start to think about it, I repeat the verse from Matthew 6:34 -
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Wes has an MRI next week, but other than that, not much until the big day. The MRI is being used to determine the exact make-up of Wesley's chest (mainly how much esophagus he has). We pretty much know that he has next to none, but our knowledge will be "official." The doctors will be able to see where his esophagus should connect to his stomach since he has no esophagus from his stomach up. From the top down, he pretty much only has the amount from the back of his mouth to the spit fistula on his neck. I cannot tell you how happy I will be to not have to deal with the spit fistula!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot even find words to describe my excitement :)
We have decided not to travel to Minnesota to meet with the doctor there. It was a difficult decision, but Damon and I think it is for the best. The doctor is not practicing much anymore, so it wouldn't be him doing the surgery, it would be someone he trained. From what I read from other families using the trained doctors, their success rate was not nearly what the original doctor's was. I also have to be honest, being away from home for at least another 2.5+ months did not look good to us.
Damon and I are happy to report that we are debt-free except for our home!!! We paid off the last of my school loans, and now we are onto baby step three: saving 3-6 months salary. Here are the steps from Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University:
1 - save $1000 to start an emergency fund
2 - pay off all your debt (except for your home) through the debt snowball
3 - save 3-6 months living expenses in an emergency fund
4 - invest 15% of your income in a Roth IRA and a pre-tax retirement fund
5 - college funding for children
6 - pay off your home early
7 - build wealth and give
Prayer requests:
- Dr. Lim (Wesley's surgeon) and the other doctors and nurses at the hospital
- my parents - they've been having some tough times, but they are persevering!
- my mother-in-law - she fell and broke her wrist
- me - I've come down with a horrible cold! Thankfully I have time to get over it before the surgery because my visiting the hospital would be restricted.
- our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University classmates - so many of them have had very tough times financially, but through this class, things are dramatically improving.
I'll leave you with a few pictures.
- Staci

"playing" golf in the backyard
giggling after being tickled on the bed
Mom wears such great necklaces
we saw an airplane fly overhead, so Wes told me about it (probably a million times)
March 2009 - the swings in the park
November 2008 - look how tiny he was!!
some of the many faces of Wesley...
I don't know that I've ever seen a more expressive child

I am not sure what this look says...

I love the raised eyebrow!